Afghanistan Community Resilience and Livelihoods Project (ACRLP)

The Afghanistan Community Resilience and Livelihoods Project is a US$265 million initiative supported by the World Bank and Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF). The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is its Implementing Partner (IP). Ground-level project support is provided by non-governmental (non-for-profit) organizations contracted as Facilitating Partners (FPs) for cash for work, social grants and strengthening of community institutions;, and through private sector contractors for the improvement of basic services in urban areas. More...


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Stories of resilience: Three lives

Stories of resilience: Three lives, one project In Afghanistan, one community-led project is touching millions of lives. Afghanistan is one of the top 10 More...

Last updated on Aug 12 2024

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The Afghanistan Community Resilience and Livelihoods (CRL) Project supported the Private Sector in Afghanistan to grow and develop

  The Afghanistan Community Resilience and Livelihoods (CRL) Project supports the Private Sector in Afghanistan to grow and develop Laborers More...

Last updated on Jul 29 2024

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Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)

The ACRLP Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) addresses grievances, issues, and complaints, and is open to all beneficiaries, stakeholders, and FPs. The GRM system ensures strict confidentiality; beneficiaries sharing issues with More...

Last updated on Jul 16 2024

Progress to date


Total number of Communities/GA/CG reached with program activities


Total number of beneficiary households receiving livelihoods support


Total number of vulnerable households receiving social grants


Total number of female-headed households receiving social grants


Total number of IDP households receiving livelihood support


Total number of cash for work and labor intensive work subprojects completed


Total number of working days created


Total number of people with improved access to basic services